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Height and weight measurements: The height measurement will be taken with the Service member, in any approved uniform or standard physical copier toner training copier toner uniform or gym clothing, standing on a flat surface with the head and line of vision held horizontal looking directly forward, and the chin parallel to the floor. Shoes will not be worn. The body should be straight but not rigid, similar to the body position when at attention. The measurement will be recorded to the nearest 1/2". The weight will be measured with the copier toner Service member in any approved uniform or standard physical training uniform or gym clothing. Shoes will not be worn. Any extraneous equipment or outer clothing will be removed when the battle dress uniform (BDU) is worn. The measurement shall be made on calibrated scales available in units and recorded to the nearest pound with the following guidelines: If the Service member's weight fraction is less than 1/2-pound, round downto the nearest pound.