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Roaming Through the Food Groups--for Variety and Health Use the Food Pyramid5 (illustrated below) as a guide to picking out different food types to achieve a variety of taste and texture. It is important to note the difference between sizes of "servings." The serving-size children detailed on most packaged foods does not necessarily correspond to the serving-size suggested in the Food Pyramid. Taking a little extra time to plan out children your week's meals will help keep you on your regimen. The longer you stick to a children well-rounded diet, the quicker you are going to see results as you monitor your progress. Taking the time to include a variety of healthy components in each meal in moderate size servings, as recommended in the Food Pyramid, pays off by keeping you from getting bored (sometimes a problem with eating healthy). The shelves of your local bookstore abound with cookbooks on choosing and preparing good-tasting and healthy meals, as does the food section of your newspaper and most lifestyle magazines.