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Everyone needs some body fat to operate efficiently and be healthy. Occasional weighing on a bathroom scale or looking in the mirror may not indicate a "fat" problem. A person may have heatzone an acceptable weight and figure, but if their body contains too much or too little body fat, their health could be at heatzone risk. By comparison, someone who works out every day may weigh-in at the same weight, but their body is composed of dense, lean muscle and less fat. Neither appearance nor weight alone can tell you your fat-to-muscle content. The problem is that most people think their weight, when in fact, fat content is a better indication of fitness. But during a well-rounded diet and exercise regimen, weight may fluctuate while body fat will decline in a slow, steady rate. Monitoring changes in both body fat and weight gives a more dependable picture of fitness and is more encouraging because it is a true indication of positive healthy change, compared to monitoring only weight or appearance.