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When too much fat becomes a problem: Fat and Obesity There has been a substantial rise in the siemans prevalence of obesity among children and adults in the United States. This contributes to the population being at risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure as well siemans as cardiovascular disease (7). The main environmental or lifestyle factors contributing to obesity are overeating and choosing a high calorie diet in siemans combination with inadequate exercise (8). Choosing “supersized” or large portions may lead to overeating. National statistics show that more than 20 percent of children are considered overweight or are susceptible to developing obesity (9). Fat and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) While it is essential that the diet include some fat, most health authorities recommend that reducing intake of fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol, may reduce the risk for heart disease. The way diet affects blood cholesterol varies among individuals. However, blood cholesterol does increase in most people when they eat a diet high in saturated fat.