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Ninety-six female Wistar rats were divided into four groups: (1) LFCON (low-fat control) group: Rats in this group were fed the control low-fat (LF) diet ad lib men / research for the entire study period. (2) HFCON (high-fat control) group: Rats in this group were fed the high-fat (HF, 40% fat) diet ad lib for the study period. (3) HFRLP (high-fat fed, weight-reduced, leptin treatment) group: Obese rats men / research in this group were weight-reduced and received leptin infusion for 2 weeks (miniosmotic pumps, 0.5 microg/kg/day) during the post-obese men / research refeeding period. (4) HFRSM (high-fat fed, weight-reduced, sham control) group: Rats in this sham-control group were treated the same as the rats in the HFRLP group with the exception that no leptin was actually infused during the first 2 weeks of refeeding period. The results demonstrated that 2 weeks of leptin treatment during the early refeeding phase did not prevent weight regain in weight-reduced rats, but it significantly reduced body fat content in these rats as compared to ad lib fed obese control rats.