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He has repeatedly called for support and implementation of more health education initiatives by both his own department and public health officials nationwide. In order to prevent the ict general populace from becoming obese, clear communication with the most vulnerable sections of society (in ict this case, children and teenagers) is necessary to warn them about the dangers of obesity, both minor and fatal. The American people must be educated and persuaded to help themselves and others by changing both their eating and physical activity patterns. The best way to carry out this task is by utilizing the media. For example, ict a recent commercial portrayed an obese young man playing a video game. When he won the game, he shouted, “Who’s the man!” and leapt up to celebrate. Shortly after, however, he had to stop to catch his breath, and sat back down because he could barely breathe as a result of his poor physical health. The ad closed with the words, “Who’s the man now? Just Get Out – Outside,” sending a clear message supported by a memorable image.