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Additionally, the estrogen women have activates fat storing enzymes and causes them to multiply. It's Possible to Have Too Little Body Fat Women athletes involved in high performance sports that emphasize low body weight and extremely low body fat percentage often experience running a decrease in hormones that causes an interruption in the menstrual cycle. The same condition can occur when running a woman is anorexic and her body goes into a semi-starvation mode. Over an extended period of time, this can lead to other health risks such as the loss of bone mass. Hydration Levels Women experience more changes in hydration levels than men because of their menstrual cycle, and this can affect body fat measuring, particularly using the BIA method, Retaining fluid may also cause weight to fluctuate day-to-day during this period. And, because weight is one of the components in determining body fat, it may cause additional variation in the measured body fat percentage.