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I was tempted to say that exercising outside in the fresh air always makes me feel good, but instead, I replied: In addition to the cardiovascular benefits weight chart I've gained in the last six months, I've lost eight pounds of fat--I've reduced my body fat level from 18% of my total weight to 14%. This is the kind of definitive statement you weight chart can make after adding body composition analysis to your exercise and diet weight chart program as I have. If weight loss or maintenance is your goal, accurate body fat testing is a terrific and more precise way to monitor your progress while you're making slow but gradual gains. It can be a valuable tool--if you understand it. This may sound like a contradiction, but you can be overfat but not overweight; or overweight and not overfat. And when you exercise and diet properly, you can lose fat without changing your weight measurement on a scale. With strength training or intense aerobic exercise, you can actually gain a few pounds of muscle while at the same time losing pounds of fat.