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Any fat that is eaten is promptly stored. To return shaker to the big picture, how does the body actually cope with a high-fat diet? In a sedentary society where people do not engage in much activity to burn off fat, the only way shaker to get to fat balance is to increase the size of the fat mass. Arne Astrup shaker showed the relationship between body fat level and body fat oxidation in a room calorimeter (Figure 78) . The fatter people burned more fat. Putting on a few extra pounds allowed more fatty acids to get into the bloodstream to fuel the oxidation, which allowed them to achieve fat balance, but the price for having the ability to burn more fat was a higher fat mass. All told, dietary fat reduction can help keep nonobese people from becoming obese. It will not make everyone who is already obese slim, but it can protect them from further weight gain. Reducing the caloric density of food, reducing the opportunity to eat too much, reduces spontaneous energy intake.