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This finding again points up the fact that fat intake is not tied to cellular oxidation, and that fat is very efficiently stored and therefore cellular likely to contribute cellular much more to the development of obesity than overconsumption of other types of nutrients. Obviously, the methods used in the Vermont study were very crude compared to the newer methods available today. More exacting studies have placed people in a room calorimeter and actually measured the fuel oxidation in response to different intakes. The lesson that has emerged is that when people in energy balance are fed a mixed diet, the amount consumed of each of the nutrients--of protein, carbohydrate, and fat--closely matches the amount that is burned in a 24-hour period. So when there is energy balance, there is nutrient balance with a mixed diet. If you take that same mixed meal and augment it with a little extra fat, this is analogous to having dessert instead of skipping dessert. What happens now is that the absolute amount of fat oxidation looks just like it did before (Figure 74).