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to what you actually need. All calories not used through the day are stored in the body as fat. You can ask your doctor, dietician, tanita bf578 or personal trainer to recommend a diet tailored for your particular lifestyle and food preferences. Reading and understanding the nutritional tanita bf578 labels4 that appear on nearly all packaged foods is the right place to start. Use the labels to help you choose what you buy. And keep them in mind when you go out to eat--although more and more menus are showing some caloric and nutritional information. The nutritional facts on a label tanita bf578 can include calories per serving and are further separated into categories such as total fat and saturated fat. Choose foods that are moderate in calories, low in fat and high in fiber. Roaming Through the Food Groups--for Variety and Health Use the Food Pyramid5 (illustrated below) as a guide to picking out different food types to achieve a variety of taste and texture.