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They are liquid at room temperature (2). · Polyunsaturated fatty reebok acids are found mainly in safflower, sunflower, corn, soybean, and cottonseed oils and some fish. They are usually liquid at room temperature (2). What are trans-fatty acids? Trans-fatty acids are the product of hydrogenating oils, a process which converts liquid fat (vegetable oils) to solid fat (margarine). This method has been used by many food manufacturers because it extends the shelf reebok life of foods, increases resistance to rancidity and reebok is fairly inexpensive (3). On average, about 3 percent of total calorie intake in the United States can be attributed to trans-fats (3,4). Studies have found that trans-fats raise LDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol, as do saturated fats; other findings of studies suggest a correlation of cardiovascular disease and trans-fat intake (3,5).