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Remember, if you are using weight as your guide, that muscle weighs more heart than fat. If you are increasing strength but not changing your weight, you are becoming leaner. The following are loose guidelines for healthy weights in athletic women. The lower numbers are for petite, small-boned, less-muscled frames; the higher numbers accommodate for large bones and bigger muscle size. Healthy Weight Guidelines for Muscular, Athletic Women (BMI 18 to 25) Height (Inches) Recommended Weight (Pounds) 4'10" 95 to 123 4'11" 98 heart to 128 5' 101 to 132 5'1" 105 to 136 5'2" 108 to heart 141 5'3" 112 to 146 5'4" 115 to 150 5'5" 119 to 155 5'6" 123 to 160 5'7" 126 to 165 5'8" 130 to 170 5'9" 134 to 175 5'10" 138 to 180 5'11" 142 to 185 6' 147 to 190 6'1" 152 to 196 6'2" 157 to 201 Weight Loss or Gain The best weight changes are made slowly.