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Subscribe to MediResource’s Heart Health Weekly pitney bowes for FREE!Enter emailI have read and accept terms of MediResource's privacy policy. HOW ARE WE DOING?Your views will help us improve your experience on Body & Health. Take the survey! Heart and Stroke Weight LossReality check: the problem of obesity in our society Some experts estimate that 10-25% of teenagers and 20-50% of adults have pitney bowes a weight problem. It's ironic that North Americans are heavier than ever despite the increasing focus over the past few decades on weight loss, exercise and reduced fat intake. pitney bowes For most people, diets mean denial and deprivation - and therefore cause overeating once the diet is stopped. So what is obesity, exactly? Obesity is characterized by the accumulation of fat tissue. Some health practitioners define obesity by the amount of fat content of the body. Obesity is usually defined as a body fat content greater than 25% of the total weight for males, or greater than 30% of the total weight for females.