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A pound is gained by eating 3,500 calories more than your body burns. To lose this pound, 3,500 fewer calories need to be eaten or 3,500 bodycomposition more burned off. The best way to gain or lose is change your dietary calorie intake by 500 kcal a day. This should equal a one pound weight loss or gain per week. Keeping a food diary for seven days can make you bodycomposition more aware of your eating habits and bodycomposition strategize change in a healthy way. Nutritionists and support groups can be very helpful in reaching goals for weight changes. From The Active Woman's Health and Fitness Handbook by Nadya Swedan. Copyright © 2003 by Nadya Swedan. Used by arrangement with Perigee, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. To order this book visit, or call Penguin toll-free at 1-800-253-6476.