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If the unsaturated to saturated ratio of fatty acids exceeds 1.5 to body protein 1, digestibility of fat is high. The unsaturated to saturated ratio in common feedstuffs range from .8 (beef tallow) to 6.0 (vegetable oils). Corn-based diets normally exceed the 1.5 to 1 ratio regardless of the supplemental fat source because the 4% corn oil in corn body protein is so unsaturated. However, in diets based on low-fat feedstuffs, such as wheat (1.7% fat) body protein or dried skim milk (.8% fat), the fatty acid composition of the saturated fat source may become important. The digestibility of fat, particularly saturated fats, also is reduced to a limited extent (1 to 6 percentage units) by inclusion of fibrous feedstuffs and high levels of calcium and magnesium in the diet.