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At baseline, all subjects consumed a diet that contained approximately 38% of total calories as fat. Initiating an ad libitum low-fat diet resulted in bbw online a weighted overall 10.8% decrease in the percent of total calories consumed as fat and a 1138 kJ/d bbw online (272 kcal/d) decrease in energy intake, as compared with the control group (P=0.002). Slide bbw online 3 of 22 Decreasing dietary fat is associated with a decrease in body weight Obesity and dietary therapy body weight | dietary fat This figure shows the results of a meta-analysis of 37 diet intervention studies, conducted in a total of 9276 subjects who were given the National Cholesterol Education Program’s Step I or Step II reduced-fat diets (<30% of total energy intake from fat) [1]. The data show that decreasing dietary fat was directly associated with a decrease in body weight. Changes in percent dietary fat were also highly correlated with changes in energy intake. For every 1% decrease in energy from fat there was a corresponding 0.28