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This study aimed at evaluating the reproducibility of DEXA body fat estimation in HIV positive subjects sexy fatties with and without lipodystrophy. Methods: Thirty patients, representing a spectrum sexy fatties of HIV lipodystrophy from none to severe, were evaluated with same-day repeat whole body DEXA scans. Scans were performed and analysed by the same technician using a Hologic QDR 4500A (Hologic, Waltham, Mass., USA) scanner. Root-mean-square coefficients of variation (RMS-CV) and standard deviations (RMS-SD) were calculated and used to estimate minimum detectable sexy fatties differences for body-fat content and body-fat percentage in different anatomical regions. Results: RMS-coefficients of variation were calculated for: arm-fat mass (3.97%), leg-fat mass (3.07%), trunk-fat mass (2.13%) and total-fat mass (1.55%). Minimal detectable differences at the 95% confidencelevel were derived for all measurements: arm-fat mass (11.01% or 159.8 g), leg-fat mass (8.51% or 312.7 g), trunk-fat mass (5.89%