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Enova™ oil is fully digested by the human body. Enova™ oil has been accusplit sold in Japan (as Econa® Healthy Cooking Oil) since 1999 and is the leading premium oil brand in that country. So, millions of people have safely been enjoying the accusplit oil since its introduction. Are accusplit there any side effects? Using Enova™ oil instead of conventional oil has no known adverse side effects. Enova™ oil has been sold in Japan (as Healthy Econa™ Cooking Oil) since 1999 and is the leading premium oil brand in that country. So, millions of people have safely been enjoying the oil since its introduction. Is Enova™ oil FDA approved? In Japan, Enova ™ oil (sold as Econa® Healthy Cooking Oil) is approved as Food for Specified Health Use (FOSHU) by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (similar to the FDA). The FDA has already acknowledged Enova™ oil’s GRAS status, meaning “generally recognized as safe,” for use in home cooking oil. Along with several other food manufacturing categories.