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However, by recognizing those who are truly at risk, they say the toll could be reduced considerably. However, Koop insists that he's not giving people an excuse to claim that they're really in better shape than tanita bf 682 the scale or mirror would indicate by focusing on yet another number. "This is not a game we're playing. ... We are truly interested in the health of America." Still, it isn't easy to figure out your body fat percentage without seeking professional help. Shape Up America! Offers a "Body Fat Lab" on tanita bf 682 its tanita bf 682 web site to identify a "healthy range of body fat," says Koop. A scale-like device also provides what's called a "bio impedance analysis" for those who want to monitor their progress daily. Koop says this is an instance where patients will often learn about body fat percentage before their doctors. Professional dieticians contacted by WebMD believe the current fat measurement approaches are adequate if used properly.