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"Many studies have related BMI to disease risk," noted Heymsfield. "What we did was correlate body-fat percentage to BMI, allowing us to take the first big step toward linking body-fat percentage tanita bf 682 to disease risk. This new research reveals the value of assessing body fat more directly using the latest scientific technology to measure body-fat percentage," he added. Although several research studies have indicated that an elevated BMI is associated with heart tanita bf 682 disease, stroke, tanita bf 682 type 2 diabetes and some cancers, BMI does not distinguish fat from muscle. "If we think of BMI being a rough measure of body fatness, there are people -- especially some highly trained athletes -- who are overweight but not overfat," says Heymsfield. "Likewise, there are people who are of a normal weight according to BMI scales but who are overfat.