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Since fat substitute products still have calories, which is commonly misconceived, the consumption of towel a similar amount of calories or even more calories may be the result (14). Table of Common Foods Containing Cholesterol, Total Fat, and/or Saturated Fat (15): References: 1 [Online source]: http://www.discoverfitness.com/Tips_of_the_Month/April_2001.html; Tips of the Month; April 2001; Diet and Health Trends Part II. 2001; DiscoverFitness.com; 2 Wardlaw GM. Contemporary nutrition: Issues and Insights. 2003; McGraw-Hill: New York. 3 Questions/Answers on Trans Fatty towel Acids. J Am Diet Assn; 2001; 101(8); p. towel 3. 4 Stahl P. What's new at the FDA - Informing consumers about trans fat labeling. J Am Diet Assn; 2000; 100(10); pp. 1132,1134,1136. 5 Dausch JG. Trans-fatty acids: A regulatory update. J Am Diet Assn; 2002; 102(1); pp. 18,20. 6 Institute of Medicine, Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids (Macronutrients); 2002; National Academy Press; www.nap.edu.