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In this connection, the fat mass fitnessinformation has a greater volume which is then reflected in the person's figure. As a higher proportion of body fat represents fitnessinformation an increased risk of disease, measuring body fat content is not an exaggerated, fashionable trend, but of significance within the fitnessinformation framework of a conscious and health-orientated lifestyle. It is no mere coincidence that bathroom scales which also measure body fat content, are the only growth segment in the bathroom scales market. These scales measure body fat content using the Bio-Impedance Analysis (B.I.A.) method, which has also proven itself in the medical field. The method makes use of the body's various resistances, and with them, the differing electrical conductivity of muscle and fat tissue in the human body. In this connection, muscle tissue has a good conductivity, fat tissue in contrast, a high resistance and a correspondingly poor conductivity.