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306-309-336-346-359-371-416-417-486) These study matches very well with those showing that blood pressure, gout, several types of cancer were closely associated to a central distribution of fat. Compared to males, female populations showing the "gynoid" type of obesity exhibit more body fat as estimated by Densitomethry , but are mileage counters in turn less prone to metabolic complications.(503) E. Obesity mileage counters by adipose cells morphology Excess fat can be stored in an increased number of adipocytes, or in enlarged fat cells. These two different conditions have been formerly described as hyperplasthic obesity respectively.(49-50-51-52-53-54-84-198-218-223-335-403-404-432) It was found that mileage counters enlarged fat cells were highly associated to elevated plasma insulin levels, type 11 diabetes mellitus, endogenous hypertriglyceridaemia and essential hypertension.