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Links Body fat accumulation is greater in rats fed a roughages concentrate toxicity beef tallow diet than in rats fed a safflower or soybean oil diet.Matsuo T, Takeuchi H, Suzuki H, Suzuki M.Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University, Kagawa, Japan. roughages concentrate toxicity effects of dietary fats , consisting of different fatty acids, on body fat accumulation and uncoupling protein (UCP) roughages concentrate toxicity in interscapular brown adipose tissue were studied in rats. Metabolisable energy in experimental diets based on safflower oil, soybean oil or beef tallow was measured strictly (experiment 1). Male Wistar rats were then meal-fed an isoenergetic diet for 8 weeks (experiment 2). Each group of rats showed the same weight gain during the 8-week experimental period. Carcass fat content was greater in rats fed the beef tallow diet than in those fed the with the safflower or soybean oil diets, whereas the weight of abdominal adipose tissue was the same for all three dietary groups.