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1987 Jun;117(6):1149-53. Links Modulation of the exercise and retirement effects by dietary fat intake in hamsters.Tsai AC, Gong TW.An experiment was conducted to determine the effects and interactions of exercise-retirement and dietary fat intake on body composition and hepatic lipogenic muscle enzyme activities in hamsters. Forty-eight adult female hamsters were randomly allotted to eight groups of six each for a 40-d experiment. Exercise was in the form of voluntary wheel-running. Four groups served as either exercise or sedentary controls and were fed either a low or muscle a high fat diet for 40 d, in a factorial fashion. Another four muscle groups had access to exercise for 32 d and were then retired for 8 d. Of these four groups, two were fed either the low or high fat diet for the entire 40-d period; the other two were changed to the other diet on d 32.