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1997 Dec;66(6):1315-22. Links Changes in bbw leather total body fat during the human reproductive cycle as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging, body water dilution, and skinfold thickness: a comparison of methods.Sohlstrom A, Forsum E.Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.Total body fat and fat-free mass were assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (TBFMRI and FFMMRI) in 11-16 healthy bbw leather Swedish women before pregnancy and 5-10 d and 2, 6, and 12 mo after delivery. On these occasions, TBF was also measured by the body bbw leather water dilution (TBFBWD) and skinfold-thickness (TBFSFT) techniques. The results were used to compare changes in TBFSFT and TBFBWD during reproduction with changes in TBFMRI. TBFBWD was 1.5-4.0 kg higher than TBFMRI and at all postpartum measurements the difference between these estimates increased significantly with increased body fat content. This difference was also significantly higher 6 mo after delivery than it was 2 and 12 mo postpartum.