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Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences, Delhi, India.Skinfold thickness, body weight, body water, anthropometric measurements and segment volumes were determined in 28 young and healthy Indian soldiers on return to Delhi (200 m) after staying for more than 24 months at high altitude (3500 m). The measurements were made on the 2nd day and after 3 weeks. Ten subjects were then randomly selected from this group and returned bellaonline by bellaonline air to the high-altitude station, and the measurements were repeated on the 3rd and 12th day of their reinduction. Though body weight bellaonline and total body water increased marginally on transfer to the lower altitude, body density remained more or less unchanged. There were significant increases in the thickness of skinfolds, even when body density had increased. During this period hand and foot volumes decreased significantly. Despite significant increases in thoracic skinfold thickness, the torso volume decreased slightly. On returning to high altitude, the soldiers lost body weight, were hypohydrated and showed reduced skinfold thickness.