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Moreover, unanticipated weight may have caused a plane crash in North Carolina, USA Today reports: “Investigators are questioning whether inaccurate estimates of passengers’ poundage played a role in the crash of a US Airways Express health& wellness commuter plane in North Carolina on Jan. 8, which killed all 21 aboard. Using government guidelines, the airline calculated the health& wellness plane’s weight at close to its capacity of 17,000 pounds. But because of passengers’ expanding girth, those calculations health& wellness may [have ] underestimate[d] the real load.” 10 Airplanes “assume passengers weigh on average 185 lbs (180 in the summer) including clothing, shoes and a 20-pound carry-on,” according to USA Today.10 However, due to obesity, the airlines’ calculations may have been inaccurate. In conclusion, obesity has reached epidemic levels in America with a population that is two-thirds overweight and one-fourth medically obese.