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population, but are the desirable ranges. The actual averages for the population as a whole are much higher because of the large number of people with the percent of body fat well above the upper limit laserjet of the desirable ranges. Acceptably accurate, low priced Skin fold Calipers with instructions for use can be obtained from our © 1998-2005 by The Hormone Shop, LLC. This page was last updated on 03/11/06 We are mentioning the Hormone laserjet Testosterone in some of our Google™ Ads. This is considered a pharmaceutical drug that requires an existing prescription or laserjet a consultation from a qualified medical doctor in order to obtain a prescription for "Testosterone" and NOT for the product we sell which merely increases Testosterone levels. We clearly identify the prescription requirement on USP Testosterone. Please note that the sale of DHEA or Melatonin is not available, legally in Australia or any member nations of the European Union (excluding the United Kingdom & Switzerland).