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To find your lower fat local Lloydspharmacy, please use the pharmacy finder. CLICK HERE TO GO BACK TO OUR OFFERS PAGE Disclaimers, Trademarks, Copyright & Security Privacy Policy © 2006 Lloyds Pharmacy Ltd., All rights reserved The Weight-Control Program: The Weight-Control Program: lower fat Fat's Not Where It's At The weight-control program helps soldiers shed excess fat and change their lifestyles for the better. Story and Photos by Donna Miles SGT. John Williams has been through it more times than he likes to think about. A soldier in his company weighs in heavy based lower fat on the Army's weight-for-height table, then "tapes out" with a higher-than-permissible body fat content. The soldier's problem becomes Williams' problem. Williams takes his job as a company weight-control NCO for the 3rd Battalion, 15th Infantry, at Fort Stewart, Ga.,