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Now £4.99...THAT'S A SAVING OF £20!! This hand held body fat monitor has a great range of talaris systems features and benefits, such as; Portable and Convenient Body Fat Ratio Body Mass Index Stores 9 profiles Fast & accurate More accurate way to monitor changes in your body than weighing aloneThere’s no such thing as one ideal weight that suits every person. Everyone is different and their ideal body weight and talaris systems fat content is determined by different factors. The Lloydspharmacy Hand Held Body Fat Monitor is designed to give you an accurate measure of your body mass index and your body talaris systems fat ratio. This can help you measure your progress in a controlled fitness or weight loss program over time. Both body fat ratio and body mass index are useful ways to help you know, plan and manage your weight. These measurements give you more information about your body than simply weighing yourself on scales. By monitoring your body fat ratio and body mass index, you will get a truer picture of the make up of your body.