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However, the leptin level varied greatly from person to person. For example, the amount of leptin for some obese patients with BMIs larger than 40 was the same as dual energy x-ray absorptiometry for patients with BMIs less than 20. Women had significantly more leptin than men. However, dual energy x-ray absorptiometry when compared by percent of body fat, women and men had similar leptin levels. "The greater absolute leptin levels in women reflects that they dual energy x-ray absorptiometry have higher body fat content than men," Friedman explains. In the animal studies, the scientists again found that leptin levels related to BMIs. Specifically, when the researchers compared normal weight mice from the same litters to four kinds of genetically overweight mice, the leptin levels were 10 times greater in diabetic (db) and yellow agouti (Ay) mutant mice, five-fold more in fat mutant mice and twice as high in tubby (tub) mutant mice.