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| This IS NOT an official or unofficial government site weight scales and is not in any way navigator.javaEnabled()==1?EXjv="y":EXjv="n"; EXd=document;EXw?"":EXw="na";EXb?"":EXb="na"; EXd.write("");//--> Accu-Measure Body Fat Calipers "An error can never become true however many weight scales times you repeat it. The truth can never weight scales be wrong, even if no one hears it." - Mahatma Gandhi NutriBase Junior, Personal, & Personal Plus for Individuals NutriBase EZ for Novices NutriBase Clinical & Network for Professionals NutriBase is the nutrition and fitness software with the unique ability to track and graph your body fat content to help you lose, gain, or maintain your body weight while improving your fitness. This ability makes NutriBase the ideal companion to a wide variety of body fat measurement devices, including the AccuMeasure body fat calipers featured here.