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Skinfold measurements fax toner cartridge are available at most gyms or health clubs that have certified fitness instructors. Skinfold measurements are fax toner cartridge only reliable if they are done correctly by experienced people. There are other ways of measuring body fat that are not as accurate. Some health centers provide circumference measurements of the arms, legs, and fax toner cartridge waist. These measurements are not as accurate as the skinfold test because the measurements are not sensitive to normal changes that take place in the lean and fat parts of your body. For example, if you have not been exercising for several months, the fat in your leg may increase and the lean muscle decrease without any change taking place in your leg circumference. Another method used by some health clubs is called bioelectric impedance. This method measures your body's resistance to a small electrical current. The problem with this method is that it is sensitive to the water content in your body.