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0.8-1.0) and women (0.9, 0.9-1.0). Conclusion In addition to general obesity, the distribution of body fat is independently associated with the metabolic syndrome in older men and women, particularly among those of normal body weight. Author Affiliations: Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Medical bbw cumshots Center, Pittsburgh, Pa (Drs Goodpaster, Katsiaras, and Newman); Graduate School of Public Health, University of bbw cumshots Pittsburgh (Drs Krishnaswami and Newman); Intramural Research Program, National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, bbw cumshots Md (Drs Harris and Simonsick); Sticht Center on Aging, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC (Dr Kritchevsky); Prevention Sciences Group, University of California at San Francisco (Dr Nevitt); and Center for Experimental Surgery and Anesthesiology, Catholic University, Louvain, Belgium (Dr Holvoet). THIS ARTICLE HAS BEEN CITED BY OTHER ARTICLES Does Measurement Site for Visceral and Abdominal Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Alter Associations With the Metabolic Syndrome?