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The researchers previously published a study documenting a 30 percent weight loss in genetically obese mice given daily injections of leptin for two weeks. tanita bf 682 While receiving tanita bf 682 leptin, the mice ate less and increased their use of energy. The instructions to make leptin are found in the obese (ob) gene. tanita bf 682 Friedman and his colleagues cloned the ob gene in mice in 1994 and reported in July 1995 that it makes leptin, which is produced only in fat and then is released into the blood stream. The findings reported in the Nature Medicine article stem from studies in people, mice and rats by scientists at Rockefeller, HHMI, Brookwood Biomedical Medical Center, Cedar-Siani Medical Center, and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). NIDDK supported the research, along with the U.S. Public Health Service and the American Heart Association.