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Copyright © 2003 by Nadya Swedan. Used by arrangement with body mass index Perigee, a member of Penguin Group (USA) body mass index Inc. To order this book visit, or call Penguin toll-free at 1-800-253-6476. More on: Health © 2000-2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Attractive Body Every year after the age of 25, the average American gains one pound of body body mass index weight yet loses one third to one half pound of muscle. Consequently, our resting metabolism decreases approximately 2% to 5% every each decade after 25 years of age. Proper exercise and sound eating habits can reverse this process and restore the appearance of our figure or physique. But, what constitutes a beautiful or aesthetically attractive body? Bodily beauty has been described as the average of everyone. In other words, if everybody's visual traits were reduced to numbers and the average of the numbers where converted back to a human figure, this average of the human image would constitute ideal beauty.