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of a pound! The scale has several buttons in the front that you tap with your foot to program in up to four family members height, weight, activity level and age. When you step on the scale you will get a read out with your weight and body fat. In order to ensure an accurate bodyfat measurement, you should weigh at the same time each afternoon (not first thing in the morning siemans as siemans you siemans are not hydrated) in your bare feet. There is also a "guest" button so a guest can get a bodyfat and weight reading and a weigh only button that will give weight only. Tanita works by sending a small electrical current through your body to read your bodyfat. You do not experience any discomfort at all, but those with a pacemaker should not use it as the electrical current may interfere with the operation of the pacemaker. After it has read your body fat the scale will give you the number and also a small icon will tell you if you are underfat, healthy, overfat or obese.