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The term "Military Services," as used above, refers to the Army, the Navy, the body mass index Air Force, and the Marine Corps. DODD 1308.1, June 30, 2004 DEFINITIONS Terms used in this Directive are defined in enclosure body mass index 1. POLICY It is DoD policy that: Service members shall maintain physical readiness through appropriate nutrition, health, and fitness habits. Aerobic capacity, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and desirable body fat composition, form the basis for the DoD Physical Fitness and body mass index Body Fat Program. Physical Fitness. The Military Services shall design physical fitness training and related physical activities consistent with established scientific principles of physical conditioning that enhance fitness and general health essential to combat readiness. Individual Service members must possess the cardio-respiratory endurance, muscular strength and muscular endurance, together with desirable levels of body composition to successfully perform in accordance with their Service-specific mission and military specialty.