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There is still some air in your used lungs, which cannot be used expelled, but there are mathematical adjustments that can be made to correct for that. Next, your friend will hand you one of the precision Batons. You will now do the exact same procedure, exhaling all the air you can, and curling up in a tight ball, but now you will be holding the Baton against your belly. Depending on which used size Baton she handed you, you may now (a) sink to the bottom; (b) remain floating with part of your back out of the water; or (c) float just below the surface, or very slowly sink or rise. Notice that you only have to be underwater for a very few seconds, and that you are not strapped to anything, and that you are in the shallow end of the pool. At any moment, you could just stick your feet down to the bottom and instantly get your head above the water. You do not even need to know how to swim, as you stay in the shallow end of the pool! The first time you would do this, you may need to try several different of the precision Batons, but after a few tries, you would know which specific Baton was correct.