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The published studies actually show that magnesium is more effective our than chromium in breaking down insulin resistance. Magnesium deficiency is another cause of excess weight gain in Americans. Chromium can lower cholesterol levels as well as serum glucose levels, while magnesium can protect against heart attacks and our stroke. These supplements also may provide significant life extension benefits, in addition to weight loss. Suggested dose: Take our one 200-mcg chromium picolinate capsule (two to three chromium-niacin capsules) a day. Take at least one 500-mg capsule of elemental magnesium each day with a heavy meal. Some people benefit by taking more magnesium, with the only side effect being diarrhea. Fat Loss Component Number 4 Soy protein. A deficiency of thyroid hormone can slow down metabolic actions in the body and cause weight gain. Consumption of soy protein can boost the body's natural secretion of thyroid hormone, thereby increasing the body's metabolic rate. Thyroid hormone also is necessary to drive glucose into the cells.