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group of Lillesterom, Norway. This three-month preliminary study involved 20 healthy volunteers. Half the group was given six 500-mg CLA capsules a day, and the other half received identical-looking placebo capsules. The bbw porn subjects were asked bbw porn not to alter their diet or lifestyle. After three months, 18 of the 20 subjects completed the study protocol. The results showed that those in the CLA group experienced a 15- to 20-percent reduction in average body fat compared with the placebo group. In the CLA group, the initial body fat percentage was 21.3 percent bbw porn at the beginning of the study, dropping to only 17 percent body fat after three months on CLA capsules. The placebo group had an average of 22 percent body fat at the beginning of the study and 22.4 percent body fat after three months. CLA And Cancer Prevention CLA received widespread media attention five years ago when it was identified as a component of red meat that helps prevent cancer.
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