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2001 Jun;65(3):201-6. Links Estimation of body fat from skinfold thickness.Aboul-Seoud MA, Aboul-Seoud AL.Endocrine Unit, Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria, Egypt. sood50@hotmail.comThe fat content of the human body has physiological and medical importance. It may influence morbidity and mortality, it may affect the ability to withstand exposure to cold and starvation, and it may alter bbw dating service the effectiveness of drugs and anaesthetics. It may also be the cause of reduced insulin sensitivity in some population groups. Thus, the measurement of the bbw dating service total body fat provides useful information. A computer program, written in quick basic language, was developed, to bbw dating service compute the equivalent fat content, as a percentage of body-weight, for a range of values for the sum of the four skinfolds, of Egyptian males and females of different ages.