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Immersing the body into the water (head is being left above the surface, but then it usually doesn't have too much of fat), it is possible amateur bbw quite accurately measure the overage body density and thus body fat content. The disadvantage is that the lung volume can contribute rather significantly to the total amateur bbw body volume, and the lungs inflate if a person is under a considerable stress. Imagine what happens if the person being amateur bbw tested is a hydrophobic or is hyperventilating: he or she will respirate excessively, with all the gasped air measured as the fat volume. Let's start with the simplest one where all you need to do is measuring your waist. The waist measurement must be done at the level of halfway between the upper pelvic bone crest and the rib cage. Interstingly enough, there are findings that this number alone, evenwithout relating to height, can tell enough about risks for coronary heartdisease and is only gender-specific: Increased risk Men > or = 94 cm (37 ins) Women > or = 80 cm (32 ins) Substantial risk Men > or =102 cm (40 ins) Women > or =88 cm (35 ins) Not only fat content, but also evenmore so fat distribution profoundly affects risk factors for cardiovasculardisease.