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Thus, the pull-up, for which many individuals can complete only a few repetitions, is closer to a true strength test than push-ups. Overfat. A Service member whose body fat zoneperfect exceeds the Service-prescribed standard, as measured using the DoD circumference-base method. Overweight. A Service member whose body weight exceeds the zoneperfect maximum limit indicated in the Service height to weight screening table. Members who exceed the weight screen may still comply with fitness and general health standards if they meet body fat zoneperfect standards. Overweight members who meet body fat standards have an above average lean mass, a desirable characteristic for individual military readiness. Physical Fitness. The capacity to perform physical exercise, consisting of the components of aerobic capacity, muscular strength, and muscular endurance in conjunction with body fat content within an optimal range. Physical Readiness. The overall capacity to perform the physical duties of military Service and combat, consisting of the components of physical fitness, health, and motivation.