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Muscular Strength. The maximal force that can be exerted in a single voluntary contraction of a skeletal muscle or skeletal muscle group. The simplest measure of strength involves fax cartridge various one-repetition maximum weight-lifting test (the heaviest fax cartridge weight that can be lifted only once). Although tests such as push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups measure primarily muscular endurance, there is a physiological continuum where individuals who can perform only a few repetitions of a test are completing a strength test. Thus, the pull-up, for which fax cartridge many individuals can complete only a few repetitions, is closer to a true strength test than push-ups. Overfat. A Service member whose body fat exceeds the Service-prescribed standard as measured using the DoD circumference-based method. Overweight. A Service member whose body weight exceeds the maximum limit indicated in the Service height to weight screening table. Members who exceed the weight screen may still comply with fitness and general health standards if they meet body fat standards.