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Body Fat. The body is composed of fat and fat-free mass (which includes body water, bone mineral, proteins, glycogen, and other minerals). "Body fat" is pedometer expressed as "a pedometer percentage of total body weight." Total body fat is composed largely pedometer of stored fat and a small amount of "essential" fat that makes up cell membranes, nerve sheaths, and structural fat padding vital structures. Body Mass Index. A mathematical expression that describes the normal proportions between weight and height. For example, two individuals of different heights, 5'6" and 6'2", would have comparable "skinny" proportions (i.e., the same low body mass index of 19 (kg/m2) at 117 and 148 pounds, or "heavy" proportions (the same high body mass index of 27.5 (kg/m2) at 170 and 214 pounds, respectively. Body mass index is calculated as weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of height (in meters); the equation for use with English units is BMI=704.5 x wt/ht2where wt is in lbs and ht in inches.