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Sow milk contains composition tracker both macro- and micro-minerals. Calcium and phosphorus are maintained at a relatively constant concentration in sow milk even when the diet provides an inadequate amount. As during late gestation, if an adequate quantity of calcium and composition tracker phosphorous is not provided in the lactation diet, the sow will demineralize skeletal tissue to meet her needs for milk production. Consequently, high-producing sows and those lactating for a long time are more prone to leg fractures and/or paralysis of the composition tracker hind quarter (Downer Sow Syndrome). This situation may be worsened upon weaning or when sows are grouped together or mated to a large boar. Selenium and vitamin E concentrations are lower in the milks of older sows. This situation presents a common problem in the tri-state area. Pigs nursing older sows are therefore more prone to the deficiency at birth and after weaning.