weight management, forum – fitness, obesity/ measurement, hydryx, nutrient, medical news, air displacement plethysmograph, bubble jet, body fat measurer, burn,
In many cases the freight charges involved with a single return exceeded our profit margins thus requiring us to sell 2 or 3 scales to cover the expenses of handling toner cartridge just one unit returned. People get very upset when the scale does not display the results they expect and get extremely upset and immediately blame the scale. Many times they compare toner cartridge the weight results with another scale they may have hanging around the house, over the neighbor house toner cartridge or even their doctor's scale. Almost all the electronic bathroom scales on the market today use some type of loadcell design using a strain gauge. Each time a weight/load (person stands on scale) is applied to the scale the loadcell is fatigued and distorted and over a period of time scales will weigh incorrectly since the loadcell eventually will lose it's original shape (learn the scale language here). Therefore to compare the weight results with an older scale really isn't a good measuring stick.